Brunost: A Brown Slice of Heaven

Remember last year we went to Türkiye and came back to write the entire post about leblebi – a Turkish snack that impressed us so much. On our trip to Norway this summer, something similar happened. And we are here to tell you about the most iconic Norwegian food item […]

Norway: It’s a Bad Day for a Hike

Most of the hikes we did in Norway required almost 0 planning.  Look up some good hikes in the area, take enough water and snacks to last the round-trip, wear weather-appropriate layers, and off you go!  The Besseggen hike in Jotunheimen was a notable exception to this rule.  It’s a […]

Norway:  It’s a Good Day for a Hike

This is going to be our 25th post about hiking on this blog and I don’t think we ever actually acknowledged or explained just how much we enjoy hiking or how much that influences our travel itineraries.  In fact, my own sister to whom I talk multiple times a week […]

Polar Plunge. Literally.

As we moved through the fjords, in many beautiful spots we saw one common type of construction – slick, modern, wooden containers, often with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the water.  Some were built on the bank of a fjord; others were floating on a jetty connected to the shore via a […]

Summer in Norway

What does summer look like in one of the most northern countries on Earth? That is the question I should have asked myself when packing for our trip.  But I didn’t. “It’s summer after all!” I thought, shoving shorts and T-shirts into my backpack.  I wasn’t even planning on bringing […]

Cambodia and Thailand – Us vs. Monkeys of the World

By Julia / February 21, 2019

Everywhere in Cambodia, whether it’s the temples of Angkor, the caves of Kampot, or the countryside of Battambang, if you see tourists gathering with cameras while the locals are rolling their eyes, it can only mean one thing – monkeys.  Macaques are cute and photogenic.  They are also vicious assholes […]

Cambodia – How to Cross the Street and Live

By Julia / February 19, 2019

On our first morning in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh, we were standing on the corner of a busy intersection, unsure of how to cross.  The interweaving flow of scooters, bicycles, motorcycles, cars, tuk-tuks, and occasional trucks never slowed and never stopped.   There were no marked lanes, they didn’t […]

Cambodia – Cooking Class, Insects, and Vegetarians

By Victor / February 17, 2019

To avoid being “templed out”, we split our three-day Angkor Wat pass into four days.  Two days of temple visits, one day of rest, and the last day of temple visits again.  On the day of rest, we decided to take a Cambodian cooking class that included a market visit […]

Cambodia – Table Manners

By Julia / February 16, 2019

A week after traveling Cambodia and trying every Cambodian dish we found (except fertilized boiled eggs, we could not bring ourselves to eat duck embryo in an eggshell), I suddenly looked around and asked, “Why do all restaurants have forks and spoons on the tables, in addition to chopsticks?  This […]

Cambodia – Highlights

By Victor / February 14, 2019

We didn’t know what to expect from Cambodia.  We haven’t met other travelers who have been to Cambodia (outside of Seam Reap) and didn’t know what to prepare ourselves for.  Was it going to be just like Thailand and we would spend two weeks in a perpetual state of deja […]

Cambodia – The Way We Travel

By Julia / February 13, 2019

I was lounging in a round wicker chair in a pretty courtyard of our little guesthouse in the middle of Seam Reap, chatting with our charming young hostess, Fara. “So, where are you going after this?” asked Fara, with only slight traces of a Cambodian accent in her fluent English. […]

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