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Guatemala – Strangest Place for the Best Coffee

Guatemala, a country where coffee is the number three export after bananas and raw sugar, where coffee plantations are crowded by volcano ranges, and where thousands of people subsist by growing coffee, happens to consume some of the worst coffee in the world.  All of their flavorful coffee beans are […]

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McDonalds Everywhere

Almost every country we visit has a McDonald’s.  And in every country we run towards it, as it beacons to us, weary travelers, with its golden arches and a free toilet.  Our routine is almost always the same.  We use the bathroom, I sneak in a picture of the menu […]

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Cambodia and Thailand – Us vs. Monkeys of the World

Everywhere in Cambodia, whether it’s the temples of Angkor, the caves of Kampot, or the countryside of Battambang, if you see tourists gathering with cameras while the locals are rolling their eyes, it can only mean one thing – monkeys.  Macaques are cute and photogenic.  They are also vicious assholes […]

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